Daily Current Affairs Quiz 1 January 2023

Daily Current Affairs Quiz 1 January 2023: Important questions related to current affairs and their answers made available by this article for the students preparing for competitive exams. Through these questions, candidates can prepare well for the competitive exam and make it easier to get a government job.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz of 1 January 2023
Question 1. In which district of Odisha ‘Dhanu Yatra’ festival organized?
Answer – Bargarh
The ‘Dhanu Yatra’ festival began on 27 December at Bargarh town in western Odisha. It is considered to be the largest open-air theater in the world. This 11-day festival is celebrating after a gap of two years. It is celebrated in the joy of paddy harvesting since independence. In this, contexts related to Lord Shri Krishna are presented through folk arts.
Question 2. What is the name of India’s first female Muslim teacher, whose lesson recently included in the textbooks of Class VIII by the Andhra Pradesh government?
Answer – Fatima Shaikh
Recently, the Andhra Pradesh government has introduced a text on Fathima Shaikh in the 8th standard textbooks. Fatima Shaikh was the first female Muslim teacher of India. Fatima Sheikh underwent teacher training at the institute run by Cynthia Farrar.Fatima Sheikh taught in the schools run by Jyoti Rao Phule and Savitribai. Shaikh established two schools in Mumbai in 1851. She is consider as one of the greatest social reformers and teachers of India.
Question 3. What was India’s fiscal deficit in April-November of 2022-23?
Answer – Rs 9.78 lakh crore
India’s fiscal deficit has reached Rs 9.78 lakh crore between April and November of the financial year 2022-23. This is 58.9 percent of the Union Budget’s target of Rs 16.61 lakh crore for the current financial year. According to the Controller General of Accounts (CGA), the revenue deficit stood at Rs 5.73 lakh crore (57.8%) of the target of Rs 9.91 lakh crore for the current financial year.
Question 4. Tamil Nadu has recently started a project for the conservation of which animal?
Answer – Nilgiri Tahr
The Tamil Nadu Government has recently started a project for the conservation of Nilgiri Tahr. This is the first project of its kind in the country. The cost of this project is Rs 25.14 crore. The project will be implemented during 2022-2027. In this, surveys will conducted to assess the level with the help of instruments. The Nilgiri Tahr protected under Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. This animal is endemic to the Western Ghats.
Question 5. How much money invested by the food processing industry so far under the PLI scheme?
Answer – Rs 4,900 crore
Till date, the food processing industry has invested Rs 4,900 crore under the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme. The PLI scheme approved in March, 2021. The outlay of the PLI scheme is Rs 10,900 crore. It is to be implement for a period of 7 years till the financial year 2026-27.
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