RAS Pre Syllabus 2023: RPSC Exam

RAS Pre Syllabus 2023: Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) is going to organize RAS Pre Exam 2023 in October this year. The detailed description of Pre Syllabus is given here, which will help you to mold the preparation of RAS exam in a prescribed framework. Apart from the RAS Pre Syllabus, proper information about RAS Pre exam pattern 2023 has also been given in this article.
Preliminary Exam: Syllabus of RAS Pre 2023
History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition and Heritage of Rajasthan
- Prehistoric sites of Rajasthan – Palaeolithic to Chalcolithic and Bronze Age
- Historical Rajasthan: Society, religion and culture in ancient Rajasthan, an important historical center of the early AD period.
- Political and cultural achievements of important rulers of major dynasties – Grihil, Pratihara, Chauhan, Parmar, Rathor, Sisodia and Kachhwaha Administrative and revenue system in medieval Rajasthan
- Rise of modern Rajasthan, Political awakening in Rajasthan during 19th and 20th century, Role of newspapers and political organizations in social awakening, Tribal and Peasant movements in 20th century, Prajamandal movement in various princely states during 20th century. Integration of Rajasthan.
- The architectural tradition of Rajasthan, temples, forts, palaces and man-made water structures; Different styles of painting and handicrafts.
- Performing Arts Classical Music & Classical Dance, Folk Music & Instrumental, Folk Dance & Drama
- Language and Literature Dialects of Rajasthani Language Literature and Folk Literature of Rajasthani Language
- Religious Life Religious Community, Saints and Sects in Rajasthan Folk Gods and Goddesses of Rajasthan.
- Social life fairs and festivals in Rajasthan Social
- Customs and Traditions Costumes and Jewelry
- Prominent personality of Rajasthan.
History of India
Ancient and Medieval Period:
- India’s cultural base Indus and Vedic period 6th century BC. Shramana tradition and new religious ideas – Ajivika, Buddhist and Jain
- Achievements of important rulers of major dynasties Maurya, Kushan, Satavahana, Gupta, Chalukya, Pallava and Chola
- Art and Architecture in Ancient India
- Development of Language and Literature in Ancient India Sanskrit, Prakrit and Tamil
- Achievements of the major Sultanate rulers during the Sultanate period. Cultural Achievements of Vijayanagara.
- Mughal Period: Political Challenges and Reconciliation – Afghans, Rajputs, Deccani Kingdoms and Marathas
- Development of art and architecture, painting and music in the medieval period.
- Religious and literary contribution of Bhakti and Sufi movement.
Modern period (early 19th century to 1964)
- Development of Modern India and Rise of Nationalism Intellectual Awakening, Press Western Education. Socio-Religious Reforms during the 19th Century: Various Leaders and Institutions
- Freedom Struggle and Indian National Movement: Different Stages, Streams, Important Contributors and Contribution of Different Parts of the Country
- Post independence nation building Linguistic reorganization of states Institutional building in Nehru era Development of science and technology
Geography of the world and India
Geography of the World:
- Major topographies – mountains, plateaus, plains and deserts
- major rivers and lakes
- types of agriculture
- major industrial regions
- Environmental Issues Desertification, Deforestation, Climate Change and Global Warming, Ozone Depletion
Geography of India :
- Major topographies – mountains, plateaus and plains
- Monsoon system and distribution of rainfall
- major rivers and lakes
- Major crops are wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane, tea and coffee.
- Major minerals are iron ore, manganese, bauxite and mica.
- Energy Resources Conventional and Non-conventional
- major industrial regions
- National Highways and Major Transport Corridors
Geography of Rajasthan
- Major physiographic regions and their characteristics
- climate features
- major rivers and lakes
- natural vegetation and soil
- Major crops are wheat, maize, barley, cotton, sugarcane, and millet.
- major industries
- Major Irrigation Projects and Water Conservation Techniques
- Population Growth Density, Literacy, Sex Ratio and Major Tribes
- minerals metallic and non-metallic
- Energy Resources Conventional and Non-conventional
- Bio-diversity and its conservation
- tourist places and circuits
Indian constitution, political system and governance system
Indian Constitution: Philosophical Elements:
- Constituent Assembly, Features of the Indian Constitution, Constitutional Amendments.
- Preamble Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Duties
Indian political system
- President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Parliament, Supreme Court and Judicial Review
- Election Commission of India, Comptroller and Auditor General, Policy Commission, Central Vigilance Commission, Lokpal Central Information Commission and National Human Rights Commission
- Federalism, Democratic Politics in India, Coalition Governments, National Integration
Political and administrative system of Rajasthan
Political System of the state
- Governor, Chief Minister and Council of Ministers Assembly High Court
Administrative Law
District Administration, Local Self Government and Panchayati Raj Institutions
- Rajasthan Public Service Commission, State Human Rights Commission, Lokayukta, State Election Commission, State Information Commission.
Public Policy and Rights:
- Public Policy, Legal Rights and Citizen’s Charter.
Economic Concepts and Indian Economy
Basic Concepts of Economics
- Basic knowledge of budget making, banking, public finance, goods and services tax, national economic growth and development
- Accounting- Concept, Tools and Uses in Administration
- stock exchange and share market
- fiscal and monetary policies
- subsidy, public distribution system
- e-commerce
- Inflation – Concept, Effects and Control Mechanism
Economic Development and Planning
- Current Status, Issues and Initiatives of Major Sectors of Economy Agriculture, Industry, Service and Trade Sectors
- Major Economic Problems and Government Initiatives, Economic Reforms and Liberalization
Human Resource and Economic Development:
- human Development Index
- global happiness index
- Poverty and unemployment concept, types, causes, diagnosis and current flagship schemes
Social Justice and Empowerment
Provision for weaker sections
Economy of Rajasthan
- Macro view of the economy
- Major issues of agriculture, industry and service sector
- Growth, Development and Planning
- infrastructure and resources
- major development projects
- Major welfare schemes of the state government for Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / Backward Classes / Minorities, Disabled, Destitute, Women, Children, Elderly, Farmers and Workers.
Science and Technology
- Fundamentals of Science in Daily Life
- Computers, Information and Communication Technology
- Defense Technology, Space Technology and Satellites
- Nanotechnology Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
- Diet and Nutrition, Blood Group and Rh Factor
- Health care: infectious, non-infectious and zoonotic diseases
- Environmental and Ecological Changes and their Effects
- Bio-diversity, conservation of natural resources and sustainable development
- Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan
- Special Reference to Science and Technology Development Rajasthan
Logical Reasoning & Mental Ability
Logical Efficiency (Deductive, Inductive, Deductive):
- Statement and assumptions
- Statement and argument
- Statement and conclusion
- Statement proceedings
- Analytical reasoning ability
Mental ability :
- Number/letter sequence,
- Coding decoding,
- relationship problems
- direction sense test
- logical venn diagram
- mirror / water reflection
- Shapes and their Subdivisions
Basic Quantitative Aptitude:
- Ratio Proportion and Share
- Percent
- simple and compound interest
- Perimeter and area of plane pictures
- Data Analysis (Tables, Bar Diagrams, Linear Graphs Pie Charts)
- Mean (arithmetic and harmonic), median and mode
- permutation and accumulation
- Probability (Simple Problems)
Current Affairs
- Major contemporary events and issues of Rajasthan, Indian and international importance
- Famous people, places and organizations at present
- Sports and Sports Activities Utkarsh
RAS Preliminary Exam Pattern
RAS preliminary exam consists of objective type question paper on General Knowledge and General Science subject (based on RAS Pre Syllabus 2023), which will be of maximum 200 marks. The purpose of this test is to conduct a screening test only. The question paper of graduate degree level will be given in this exam. The total duration of the exam will be three hours. During this you will have to attempt 150 multiple choice type questions. There will be a deduction of 1/3 mark for each wrong answer.
RPSC RAS The pre exam will be held on October 1 in 2023. Through RAS exam 2023, 424 posts of state services and 481 posts of subordinate services will be appointed.
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