Daily Current Affairs Quiz 18 October 2022

Daily Current Affairs Quiz 18 October 2022: Important questions related to current affairs and their answers made available by this article for the students preparing for competitive exams. Through these questions, candidates can prepare well for the competitive exam and make it easier to get a government job.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz of 18 October 2022
Q. 1 Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Which Indian mass fertilizer project?
Q. 2 Which camp has been organized for Divyangjan in Alwar, Rajasthan?
Q. 3 Who is hosting the first Khelo India Women’s Judo National League?
Q. 4 World Food Day celebrated on which date?
Q. 5 When is Global Handwashing Day celebrated?
Q. 6 Who won the Jeev Milkha Singh Invitational Golf Tournament held in Chandigarh?
Q. 7 Which city recently won the ‘World Green City’ award?
Q. 8 What is the rank of India in the world in terms of fish production?
Q. 9 Recently, NATO announced which of its annual nuclear exercise?
Q. 10 Which sports committee will promote gender equality in association with UNICEF?
Click here to read this article in Hindi.
Current Affairs 2022 Quiz
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2022: Every year lakhs of students prepare for competitive exams. In competitive examinations, questions related to current affairs are asked, which sometimes also become the reason for the selection and rejection of the students. Many times in the examinations, candidates are not able to answer even easy questions related to current affairs and miss out on government jobs. Looking at this situation of students, we regularly provide important questions related to daily current affairs and their answers along with today‘s article of Current Affairs.
*Students can share their suggestions and queries with us through the comment section.