MPPSC Exam 2024: MP PCS and State Forest Service Exam postponed

Recently, as per the notice issued by MPPSC, MP PCS Preliminary Exam 2024 and State Forest Service Exam has been postponed due to Lok Sabha elections.
MPPSC’s PCS exam was earlier proposed to be held on 28th April and MP Forest Services exam was proposed to be held on 23rd June 2024. As per the new date, MPPSC Preliminary Exam – Exam will be held on 23rd June 2024. State Forest Service Preliminary Exam – Exam will be held on 23rd June 2024.
Admit card for these examinations will be released on June 12. The link of MPPSC Preliminary Exam Admit Card 2024 will be released on the website
What will happen after the preliminary exam?
- After passing the preliminary examination of MPPSC, candidates will be eligible to appear in the Mains examination.
- The revised schedule of the main examination will also be released by the Commission soon.
About Madhya Pradesh Civil Services Examination
The State Civil Services Examination is conducted by Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission in three stages-
- Preliminary examination
- Main exam
- Interview
Preliminary Examination
- Under this, there are two question papers of 200-200 marks and 100 questions are asked in each question paper.
- Two hours’ time has been allotted for each question paper.
- There is no provision for negative marking.
- All the questions asked are of multiple choice type.
Main exam
A total of 6 question papers are conducted.
- All 6 question papers are descriptive type. Four question papers are related to ‘General Studies’, one question paper is related to ‘General Hindi’ and one question paper is related to ‘Hindi Essay Writing’.
- 300-300 marks have been set for the first three question papers of General Studies, while 200-200 marks have been set for the fourth question paper of General Studies and General Hindi question paper.
- 100 marks have been fixed for the question paper of Hindi essay writing.
- Thus a total of 1400 marks have been determined.
- Examination is the last stage of the system.
- 175 marks have been allotted for this.
- National
- Minimum 21 years of age
Due to Lok Sabha elections.
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