Amrit Sarovar Portal: Purpose, Features and Importance

Amrit Sarovar Portal launched on April 21, 2022. Objective of which is to promote conservation and development of water bodies across country.

Amrit Sarovar Portal was launched on April 21, 2022. It is an important initiative of the Government of India which aims to promote the conservation and development of water bodies across the country.


The main purpose of Amrit Sarovar Portal is to promote water harvesting and reservoir development activities in villages across the country. This will improve the quality and quantity of water, which will promote availability of clean water and maintain water levels.

Features of Amrit Sarovar Portal

  • Reservoir Index: The portal has a reservoir index which is viewable by all. This index helps in monitoring the current status and development of water bodies in villages across the country.
  • Reservoir Upload: On this portal, people can share photos and information about the reservoirs of their village. With this, the condition of the reservoirs can be accurately assessed.
  • Participation of common people: The portal promotes community participation, where people can contribute to the conservation and development of water bodies in their village.
  • Data Analysis: The data available on the portal is analyzed to get a better understanding of the condition of the reservoirs and further measures can be planned.


  • Water Resources Management: Conservation and development of water bodies will help in better management of water resources.
  • Increasing groundwater level: Reservoirs will help in maintaining and increasing the groundwater level.
  • Increasing agricultural production: Available water will improve irrigation, which will increase agricultural productivity.
  • Biodiversity Conservation: Reservoirs will act as habitat for aquatic and other species.
  • Water Sanitation: The quality of water sources will improve.
  • Climate Adjustment: Reservoirs will help balance the local climate.
  • Livelihood support: Reservoirs can provide sources of livelihood for fish farming and other aquaculture activities.

Other initiatives by the government

  • Many initiatives have been taken by the government as a part of Amrit Sarovar Abhiyan. These include inauguration of 75 reservoirs, awareness programs at village level and financial assistance for reservoir development activities. Villages are being encouraged to develop reservoirs and self-help groups are being involved in the process.
  • Public and private sector organizations have also been invited to contribute to the development of reservoirs. The portal attempts to take this campaign forward through people’s participation and data analysis.
When was Amrit Sarovar Portal launched?

April 21, 2022

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