Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2 January 2024

Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2 January 2024 : Important questions related to current affairs and their answers made available by this article for the students preparing for competitive exams. Through these questions, candidates can prepare well for the competitive exam and make it easier to get a government job.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz of 2 January 2024
Question 1. Which country is participating in the joint military exercise Desert Cyclone-2024 with India?
Answer – UAE
Joint military exercise Desert Cyclone-2024 is being organized in Rajasthan from 2 January to 15 January 2024. The armies of India and UAE are participating in this exercise with the aim of sharing their best skills in urban operations. Thar region of Rajasthan has been selected for Desert Cyclone-2024. Given the age-old cultural, religious and economic ties between the two countries, this exercise will also promote friendship in the field of defence.
Question 2. Which foundation day of DRDO was celebrated this year?
Answer – 66th
Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) celebrated its 66th Foundation Day on 1 January 2024. DRDO was formed on 1 January 1958. It was created by merging the Directorate of Technical Development and Production (DTDP) with the already existing Technical Development Establishments (TDEs) and Defense Science Organization (DSO) of the Indian Army. At present there are 5 thousand scientists and about 30 thousand workers in DRDO.
Question 3. Which state made the Guinness record in collective Surya Namaskar?
Answer – Gujarat
Recently, Gujarat created history by organizing the largest ever Surya Namaskar event with 4,000+ participants from 51 categories across 108 locations in Gujarat. This collective Surya Namaskar has been recorded in the Guinness record. This program was organized on the morning of New Year. PM Modi, through a post on social media platform This is indeed a true testament to our commitment to yoga and our cultural heritage.
Question 4. When is World Family Day celebrated?
Answer – 1 January
World Family Day (World Peace Day) is celebrated on the 1st of every year. The purpose of celebrating this day is to promote the ideas of global unity and harmony among the people. With this, on New Year’s Day, it is hoped that the coming year will bring both micro and macro positive changes in the world. The United Nations General Assembly had declared this day in 1997 based on the ideas of two books ‘One Day in Peace, January 1, 2000’ and ‘Tree Island: A Novel for the New Millennium’.
Question 5. Name of the Indian Woman Grand Master who won the silver medal in the World Rapid Chess Championship 2023?
Answer – Koneru Hampi
Indian Grandmaster Koneru Humpy won the silver medal in the women’s category at the World Rapid Chess Championship-2023 held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Koneru Humpy had earlier won the world champion crown in Batumi, Georgia in 2019 and won a bronze medal in Moscow, Russia in 2012.
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