8th Standing Committee meeting of International Solar Alliance (ISA) held

The 8th Standing Committee meeting of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) was held on June 6, 2023 in the national capital New Delhi. The meeting presided over by the Power Minister of India Shri R.K. Singh.
Union Minister of Power and New and Renewable Energy Shri R.K. Singh is the President of ISA. The ISA President informed the meeting that as the world is moving towards ‘Net Zero’, solar energy is becoming a more effective renewable energy generation technology.
What was discussed in the 8th session of ISA?
In the eighth meeting of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), member countries discussed ISA’s Demonstration Projects, ISA Solar Technology Application Resource Center (STAR-C), ISA SolarX Startup Challenge, ISA Solar Finance Facility and preparations for the ninth meeting of ISA Standing and The committee and preparations for the sixth session of the ISA Assembly discussed.
Who attended the meeting?
The 8th meeting of the Standing Committee of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) co-chaired by the French Republic as co-chair of the ISA Assembly. Some representatives of ISA member countries also attended in person and many members attended online.
What is the International Solar Alliance (ISA)?
The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is a collaborative platform promoting the deployment of solar energy technologies in its member countries as a means of ensuring energy access, energy security, and advancing the energy transition. This organization launched by India and France on 30 November 2015 in Paris. Presently ISA an international organization with 93 member states and 115 signatory countries. It is the first international intergovernmental organization to have its headquarters in India.
Functions of ISA
ISA works towards developing and deploying solar energy solutions to help member countries develop low carbon development momentum. The organization focuses specifically on work in countries categorized into Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
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