95th Foundation Day of Indian Council of Agricultural Research

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) celebrated its 95th Foundation Day on July 16, 2023. Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Parshottam Rupala inaugurated the 95th Foundation and Technology Day.
The event is being organize from 16 to 18 July 2023 at Dr. C. Subramaniam Auditorium, NASC Complex. Forty selected technologies will also be release and developers will be recognize to encourage innovations in agriculture. Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Kailash Choudhary and Ms. Shobha Karandlaje also marked their presence in the programme.
ICAR celebrates its Foundation Day every year on 16th July. It has been decide to celebrate the Foundation Day of ICAR as ‘Foundation and Technology Day’ from 2023. A three-day program is being organize. The main attraction of the event is the technology exhibition and industry interface. Innovative technologies developed by various ICAR institutes were display in the exhibition to enhance agricultural production, quality and farmer’s income and for the benefit of the stakeholders. The main focus in the exhibition is sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture. The exhibition focused on eco-friendly innovations for Rice, Wheat, Maize, Pulses, Oilseeds, Sree Anna (Millets) and other commercial crops.
The exhibition will also focus on a variety of mechanization, precision farming and value added products developed by ICAR institutes with potential for commercialization. More than 100 industry partners are participating in the ICAR Foundation and Technology Day event. More than 500 farmers as well as 1000 students from neighboring states have also participated in the programme.
About Indian Council of Agricultural Research
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) was established on 16 July 1929. It is an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. This autonomous organization was registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 in pursuance of the report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture. At the time of establishment, the name of ICAR was Imperial Council of Agricultural Research. At present, ICAR has 113 institutes and 75 agricultural universities in India, which are doing research work in the areas of agricultural science.
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