National Center for Good Governance organized capacity building program in Mussoorie

National Center for Good Governance launches capacity building program on public works project and risk management for Tanzanian officials

Recently, a two-week capacity building program on public works project and risk management has been launched by the National Center for Good Governance (NCGG) in Mussoorie for officials of the Republic of Tanzania.

Key Points of Capacity Building Program

  • The event is being organize in partnership with the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) from May 6 to May 17, 2024.
  • A total of 39 officials representing various organizations and ministries in Tanzania are participating in the programme.
  • The program will provide valuable information to officials in various sectors about how projects are planned and executed, changes taking place in institutions and people’s growing engagement with the government.
  • The objective of the program is to equip you with cutting-edge knowledge, skills and tools to design and deliver effective public works projects, thereby achieving good governance and ultimately sustainable development in addition to a rich cross-country experience.
  • The program covers diverse topics such as project selection and construction, project management framework and processes, project risk management, PPP in infrastructure projects, smart and resilient cities, innovation in awarding public projects and management of rural and urban housing.

National Center for Good Governance (NCGG)

  • Established: Year 2014
  • It is an autonomous institute under the Public Grievances Department of the Government of India.
  • The main objective of NCGG is to share governance data and best practices between the Central and State Governments and promote good governance.
  • It helps in designing and analyzing policies and programs to improve governance. Also coordinates with various stakeholders.
  • It also provides training to central and state government officials.


When was the National Center for Good Governance (NCGG) established?

In the year 2014.

The National Center for Good Governance (NCGG) is organizing a two-week capacity building program on public works projects and risk management for officials of which country in Mussoorie?

Republic of tanzania

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