World Oceans Day: Quiz and Slogans
we will learn the significance, history, themes and other essential aspects of World Ocean Day like quiz and slogan.
we will learn the significance, history, themes and other essential aspects of World Ocean Day like quiz and slogan.
World Environment Day 2024 Theme: “Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” this day celebrated every year on 5 june.
All information about various essential aspects of World Environment Day like ads, certificate, report writing, celebration report, conducting competition etc.
Every year on May 30, Hindi Journalism Day is celebrated across the nation. This day is very important for Hindi speaking journalists.
Every year on 31st May, ‘World No Tobacco Day’ is organized to spread awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption all over the world.
International Child Protection Day is celebrated every year on 1 June. Child Protection Day was celebrated for the first time on 1 June 1950 in 51 countries of the world.
‘International Museum Day’ is celebrated every year on 18th May to increase awareness among people regarding museums.