National Handloom Day 2022: IIT BHU designed Ergonomic Loom

The team of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT BHU) has made a Ergonomic Loom. The team has ergonomically designed this loom for handloom weavers. There will be no muscle pain even after working on this loom for a long time. With the help of this, the weavers will be able to sit and work for a long time. This ergonomic loom will also relieve weavers from musculoskeletal disorders caused by sitting for long periods of time. IIT BHU has developed this ergonomic loom on the occasion of National Handloom Day 2022.
Importance of Ergonomic Loom:
Dr Prabhas Bhardwaj, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, IIT BHU, said that handloom weavers sit at one place and work for 8-12 hours a day. Due to this weavers have to face symptoms of musculoskeletal pain. The use of an ergonomic loom will relieve musculoskeletal pain. According to a survey conducted in Varanasi on weavers, most people suffer from pain in the lower back, thigh, leg, ankle and neck. This problem of pain in weavers is due to the existing design of looms. This loom will help a lot of weavers.
Design of New Loom:
- In the newly designed loom, the mechanical transmission of power from the foot pedal to the jacquard done with the help of proper placement of rollers and ropes.
- The seat of the old loom attached to the frame so it was difficult for women weavers to get out of the loom. But now the seat in the new loom is ergonomically designed.
- It has been given the option of opening and closing so that the woman weaver can easily enter inside the loom.
- The new loom uses solid wood paddles instead of bamboo stick foot pedals. This distributes the stress evenly on the feet.
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